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July 28, 2020


Dear Parents/Guardians,


The start date for school has been pushed back to Wednesday, August 19, 2020 and will be a full day with meals served.  The previously scheduled in-service days during October and January will be regular school days.  Click here to view the 2020-21 School Year Calendar


The USD #325 Reopening Plan and details follow.  Again, please be prepared for adjustments to this plan as we move forward.


Please note the following:


We must comply with the Governor’s Executive Order 20-59, so masks will be required when the 6-foot social distance requirement cannot be met; however, this may exclude staff and students who are exempt under Order 20-59.  Click here to view Order 20-59


Student temperatures will be taken at the beginning of the day.

No student will be allowed to attend school with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher and must be symptom free for AT LEAST 24 HOURS.


Students riding buses will be required to wear masks.  Parents/guardians of students on bus routes should check temperatures each morning prior to pick up.  Bus drivers will not check temperatures of students.


After further consideration, sanitization procedures are in place, so students may use their lockers between classes at PMS and PHS.  Backpacks will not be allowed in classrooms.


Again, thank you for your patience, understanding, and flexibility as we continue to work to provide our students and staff with the safest and most effective learning experience.



Michael E. Gower




USD #325 REOPENING PLAN - Click here to view


What to Expect


Frequently Asked Questions


COVID-19 Symptoms & Guidelines





Learning & School Safety Operations


Regardless of the phase, we have identified four priorities that we will focus on throughout the entire process:

♦              Promote Behaviors that Reduce Spread

♦              Maintain Healthy Environment

♦              Maintain Healthy Operations

♦              Prepare for When Someone Gets Sick

Green: On-Site Learning Environment

- Students and staff attend on site with enhanced and mandatory health and safety protocols put in place. This will be implemented when there are low levels of community restrictions. Parents may choose to have their child(ren) attend remotely.


Yellow: Hybrid Learning Environment

- Students spend part of their time in the classroom, while other students and staff may be asked or required to participate remotely.

- Students may also be targeted for stable groups and asked to attend on site in a controlled environment while also doing remote learning.

-This phase may be implemented when there are moderate to high levels of community restrictions.


Red: Remote Learning Environment - Students receive their learning remotely by USD 325 teachers. This is the most restrictive situation, implemented at a single school, multiple schools, or entire district when there are high levels of community restrictions.


Green – On Sight Learning Environment

What to expect

Instruction: Students and staff attend on-site learning with parent choice of remote learning made available for students. Health and safety precautions are in place.

Students with Exceptionalities: Students who are medically able and willing to return to school receive their typical support and programming. Support will continue for students with special needs or are medically vulnerable who need to remain in home learning.

Health and Safety Precautions: Physical distancing as feasible implemented with in-person instruction in classrooms, and six-feet distancing with infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity at all other times. Face coverings are required for staff and students when the six-feet social distance cannot be maintained. Temperatures will be taken for staff and students upon entering the building. Hand washing/sanitizing takes place upon entrance of buildings, cafeteria, and at regular intervals, no less than once every hour on an hourly basis throughout the day.

Classrooms: Arrange furniture to have all students face the same direction. Students will be assigned seats. The sharing of school supplies/materials will be limited to the greatest extent possible. Hand sanitizers will be available in classrooms.

Common Spaces: Access to these areas will be limited to students, staff, and essential personnel. The number of students in office spaces will be limited to maintain physical distancing. Hand sanitizing stations will be available in these areas.

Transitions: Reduce the use of lockers when feasible. Minimize students traveling between buildings and/or classrooms.

Extracurricular: Maintain an attendance roster for activities that take place. Use appropriate precautions based on the activity.

Food Services: Breakfast and lunch will be made available for students and be served in the cafeteria and/or other designated areas. Physical distancing will take place.

Transportation: Normal service will be provided to eligible students. Face coverings will be required as outlined in KS Executive Order 20-59. Temperature checks will take place as students arrive at school.


Yellow – Hybrid Learning Environment

What to expect

Instruction: Students are targeted for on-site learning in stable groups in a controlled environment while others may be engaged in remote learning through the use of district, student-issued devices.

Students with Exceptionalities: Special education services will be provided consistent with each student’s participation in hybrid learning. Individual plans are put in place for students who are immunocompromised and for families who choose to keep their students in online instruction.

Health and Safety Precautions: Physical distancing as feasible is implemented with in-person instruction in classrooms, and six-feet distancing w/ infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity at all other times. Face coverings are required for staff and students with noted exceptions. Temperatures will be taken for staff and students upon entering the building. Hand washing/sanitizing takes place upon entrance of buildings, cafeteria, and at regular intervals, no less than once every hour on an hourly basis throughout the day.

Classrooms: Students and staff will be scheduled for targeted, stable groups to attend on-site and will have limited access to the building. Arrange furniture to have all students face the same direction. Students will be assigned seats. The sharing of school supplies/materials will be limited to the greatest extent possible. Hand sanitizers will be available in classrooms.

Common Spaces: Students and staff targeted to attend on-site will have limited access to the building. Movement will be limited within specific areas. Students and staff will maintain social distancing of six feet. Hand sanitizing stations will be available in these areas.

Transitions: Students and staff targeted to come in will have limited transitions from one area of the building to another.

Extra and Co-curricular: All USD 325 activities and events may be canceled and/or postponed.

Food Service: Breakfast and lunch will be made available for students and be served in the cafeteria and/or other designated areas such as classrooms. Physical distancing will take place. Students required to participate in remote learning will have food distribution provided curbside.

Transportation: Transportation may be limited or canceled based on guidance for appropriate authorities. Face coverings will be required as outlined in KS Executive Order 20-59.


Red – Remote learning

What to Expect

Instruction: During Phase 3 all USD 325 buildings are closed, and all learning is conducted remotely through the use of district, student-issued devices. Students engage in school online during regular school hours and follow a standard school schedule with daily contact being made by staff via video conferencing.


Students with Exceptionalities: Teachers of students with special needs work virtually with them.


Health and Safety Precautions: All USD 325 buildings are closed to all but

essential staff. Those identified as essential staff will maintain physical distancing of six-feet w/ infrequent or incidental moments of closer proximity while performing job duties. Face coverings are required for staff with noted exceptions. Temperatures will be taken for staff upon entering the building for the day. Hand washing/sanitizing takes place upon entrance of buildings at regular intervals, no less than once every hour on an hourly basis throughout the day.


Classrooms: All USD 325 buildings are closed, and all learning is conducted remotely.


Common Spaces: All USD 325 buildings are closed, and all learning is conducted remotely.


Transitions: All USD 325 buildings are closed, and all learning is conducted remotely.


Extra and Co-curricular: All USD 325 activities and events are canceled and/or postponed.

Food Services: Food Distribution is provided curbside.

Transportation: No services are provided.




What choices do I have for enrolling my child(ren) with USD 325?

Parents/Families will have two options:

1.    attend school on-site or remote learning according to the learning phases determined by the district and community COVID risk factors and as outlined in the reopening plan


2.    register for Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning, a remote/virtual learning option provided by USD 325.


How is the remote learning phase outlined in the plan different from Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning?

The remote learning phase of the plan will be activated based on the level of community restrictions or building/district needs. If the community is experiencing high levels of community restrictions, the district would transition to the remote learning environment. Instruction would be led remotely by USD 325 staff with student issued devices.


With Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning students will be expected to attend class virtually 8-3 by logging on each hour and viewing class remotely. This would be for 5th-12th grade students.  K-4th grade students will be provided with a combination of seesaw activities, pre-recorded lessons for subjects, scheduled zoom meetings, daily lexia minutes, daily AR reading for 2nd-4th grade students, daily parent/student reading for PreK-1st grade, packet learning for subjects, hands on activities for science, weekly supply pickup at school, and daily practice/mastery of math standards. This learning will be administered by a USD 325 staff member and will be synchronous with our onsite learning as determined by the administration.


How will Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning compare to Continuous Learning in the spring of 2020?

Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning will involve a comprehensive curriculum of online, kinesthetic and offline activities. Student issued devices and workbook materials will be provided for the student’s classes. A student’s progress will be monitored by a USD 325 teacher. Parents will have the flexibility to return their student to on-site learning understanding that school assignment and class selection will be determined based on availability. Students will be learning from home and not entering the school building.

1.             Students enrolled will demonstrate learning by maintaining activity logs with parent review.

2.             Learning will occur with daily contact from a USD 325 teacher utilizing interactive conferencing.

3.             Individual learning interaction for feedback and guided learning will be available throughout the day.

4.             Students that do not participate in any in-person school learning opportunities, and may not attend school activities.


If I register for Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning, will I still need to enroll in USD 325?

Yes. Every student will need to be enrolled. The Parent Choice will be selected through the enrollment process.


Will students be required to wear masks?

Students will be required to wear masks on the bus and in school when they are unable to maintain a six-foot social distance from staff and peers excluding the exemptions listed in the Governor’s Executive Order 20-59 (face covering mandate)


Will staff be required to wear masks?

Staff will be required to wear masks when they are unable to maintain a six-foot social distance from peers and students excluding the exemptions listed in the Governor’s Executive Order 20-59 (face covering mandate)


How will on-site learning look compared to previous years?

On-site learning will look and feel different from previous years when it comes to teaching and learning. There will be some modifications to schedules and other items to reduce the spread of COVID.

Some measures include the following:

•                Water fountains will be closed. Water bottle fillers will remain in use. Students will be asked to bring a personal water bottle for daily use.

•                Lunch times may be extended to accommodate smaller groups of kids eating together and additional lunch spaces may be added.

•                Staff and students will be required to wash/sanitize their hands prior to coming to lunch.

•                Classrooms will limit the sharing of materials and school supplies.

•                Students and staff will be asked to sanitize/wash their hands upon entrance of buildings, cafeteria, and at regular intervals throughout the school day, no less than once every hour.


What measures will the district implement in an effort to keep students and staff safe?

Cleaning and sanitation are critical to a healthy and safe learning environment for our students and staff. Some of these additional safety items include the following:

•                Students and staff will have their temperature taken upon entering the school buildings.

•                Parents will be expected to assess their student’s health before sending them to school every day. Parents are encouraged to keep their child at home if showing any signs of illness.

•                Ongoing cleaning and sanitation will occur during the school day with an emphasis on high traffic and high touch zones; deep cleaning/disinfecting will occur outside school hours.

•                Child-safe disinfectant will be used by the district.

•                Buses will be thoroughly disinfected in between each route.

•                Outside visitors, including parents, will be limited.


How will I know if the district is moving to a different phase /learning environment of the plan?

The district will inform parents/guardians as soon as possible when the decision has been made to move from the on-site learning environment to either hybrid or remote learning. This will be done through the district’s emergency notification process. All websites will display the current learning environment phase on their home page with additional COVID/Reopening information as well.


What will the school lunch program look like in each phase of the plan?

School lunch and breakfast will be served for students enrolled through USD 325 in each aspect of the plan. The cost will be based on Free/Reduced/Full lunch eligibility. Meal service will be provided in all phases of the plan. Phase 1 will have meals served on-site; Phase 2 will be served on-site with some curb -side drop offs at designated locations. Phase 3 will be served curb-side at designated locations. Information pertaining to food service will be communicated to families as the various phases are implemented.


My child is enrolled in the Parent Choice Off-Campus Learning. Do they qualify for school lunches?

Yes, any child enrolled through USD 325 will be eligible for meals. The cost will be assessed based on eligibility for Free/Reduced/Full payment and will be served curb-side at a designated location and time determined by the district. This option must be initiated by a request of the parent.


Who will do the contact tracing if someone tests positive?

County health department will do the contact tracing.  If a student is positive then not all students in the class will necessarily be quarantined depending upon the age of the students and whether or not the student has been within six feet of other students for more than ten minutes.  That is a decision that will be made by the county health department after they do the contact tracing.  A positive case does not automatically mean all the siblings and all the students in the sibling's class would be quarantined.  The family may be quarantined and the classroom gets extra cleaning and UV light concentration.  




COVID-19 Symptoms

·                Fever of 100.4 (F) or higher

·                Chills

·                Rigors

·                Muscle pain or aches

·                Malaise

·                Headache

·                Sore throat

·                Cough, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing

·                Loss of taste or smell

·                Diarrhea


14 Day Home Quarantine Guidelines

·                Do not leave your home unless to satisfy critical needs.

·                You may not have visitors at your home.

·                Phillips County Health Department could monitor your condition through daily phone calls.


What is close contact? - Close contacts are people who have been within 6 feet of you for a period of 10 minutes or more.


Exposure Guidelines

I am having COVID-19 symptoms

·                Parents/Students should contact their school nurse, employees should contact your healthcare provider or call the Phillips County Health Department.

·                Take a COVID-19 test and follow the instructions below while awaiting tests.

·                Self-isolate to your home.

·                If you live with others, self- isolate in a private room and use a private bathroom if possible.

·                Make a list of close contacts you have had from two days before you became sick until you isolated.

·                Wear a mask when you enter general living areas. Interact with others as little as possible.

·                If you develop additional symptoms or if your symptoms get worse, notify your healthcare provider for instructions.


I have received a positive COVID-19 test

·                Parents/Students should contact the school administration.

·                School employees should contact the school administration.

·                Contact the Phillips County Health Department for guidance.


I have been in close contact with a confirmed COVID-19 patient

·                Parents/Students should contact the school administration.

·                School employees should contact the school administration.

·                Contact the Phillips County Health Department for guidance.


I have been exposed to a person with COVID-19 symptoms

·                Parents/Students should contact the school administration.

·                School employees should contact the school administration.

·                Contact the Phillips County Health Department for guidance.


I have been exposed to a person who was exposed to a confirmed COVID-19 patient

·                Parents/Students should contact the school administration.

·                School employees should contact the school administration.

·                Contact the Phillips County Health Department for guidance.


I have traveled to an area with high COVID-19 cases

·                Parents/Students should contact the school administration.

·                School employees should contact the school administration.

·                Contact the Phillips County Health Department for guidance.


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