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Middle School Staff

Nathan Strasburg Sharell Hilbrink Shayne Lyon
Principal Secretary School Social Worker
nstrasburg@usd325.com shilbrink@usd325.com slyon@usd325.com
Ranelle Hugunin   Kelsi Blew
5th/6th Language Arts   5th/6th Math
rhugunin@usd325.com   kblew@usd325.com
Laura Umbarger   Michael Hensley
5th/6th Reading   5th/6th Science
lumbarger@usd325.com   mhensley@usd325.com
Alyssa Stites   Kelly Hendryx
5th/6th Social Studies   7th/8th Language Arts
astites@usd325.com   khendryx@usd325.com
Terra Keeten   Tiffany VanDerVeen
7th/8th Math   7th/8th Reading
tkeeten@usd325.com   tvanderveen@usd325.com
Nicole Glynn   David Hindman
7th/8th Science   7th/8th Social Studies
nglynn@usd325.com   dhindman@usd325.com
Melanie Molzahn   Blake Gehring
Technology Lab   P.E. / Health
mmolzahn@usd325.com   bgehring@usd325.com
Ross Coomes   Megan Krom
P.E. / Health   Vocal Music
rcoomes@usd325.com   mkrom@usd325.com
Vesta Jo Still   Sarah Pauley
Instrumental Music   Special Education
vstill@usd325.com   spauley@usd325.com
Elsie Parks   Christine Thompson
Special Education   School Psychologist
eparks@usd325.com   cthompson@usd325.com
Michelle Cole   Mitzi Weinman
School Nurse   District Technology Coordinator
mcole@usd325.com   mweinman@usd325.com

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