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Google Classroom: Like It or Not, We Must Join It 😃 😑 😳 

August 28, 2015

At the beginning of the school year, all students got a new iPad to use in their classes.  In addition, teachers and students have been asked to use Google Classroom. According to Mr. Look, "Classroom is a free online tool to help the teachers communicate with the students, and the students with the teachers. It's also a learning  process." We asked some students and teachers if they like it, and why or why not. Here's what a few of them had to say: 

"No, it would be easier to just open a two-step email instead of having to go through 10 steps to get it open and emailed back." ~Kylie Solida 

"No, it's too confusing." ~Trey Grismore 

"Yes, because it keeps everything in one spot and interactive with the kids." ~Mrs. Glynn 

"Yes, because it's more organized." ~Eric Moon 

"Yes, it keeps my stuff organized." ~Kyla Kenney 


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